Oddi Mediations
After 25 years of practicing law with an emphasis on personal injury, negligence andinsurance disputes, and more than a decade as a Deputy Judge of the Small Claims Court, Iam excited to begin offering my services as a Mediator. I have seen more than a thousandcases and participated in hundreds of mediations and settlement conferences. I recentlycompleted extensive alternative dispute resolution (ADR) training with Stitt Feld HandyGroup/ADR Chambers and obtained an Executive Certificate in Conflict Management from theUniversity of Windsor Faculty of Law.
While the current trend is to conduct mediations by Zoom, I am willing to performin-person mediations if you feel that would be beneficial to a resolution. I am available for fulland half-day mediations. I can offer quick booking times and can schedule a mediation in theevening or on weekends if timing is an issue. My fee schedule is attached. A mediation can betailored to meet the size and complexity of your needs.
As a lawyer, and a Deputy Judge, I have extensive experience dealing with a widevariety of legal matters. I know the difficulties that lawyers and their clients encounter whencaught up in the civil litigation process. It can take years, is expensive, and for most people it isemotionally exhausting. After sitting on “both sides of the table”, I have a good understanding ofthe needs, interests and goals shared by many litigants.
As a mediator, my first goal is to earn the trust of your client and make them ascomfortable as possible. Civil litigation brings with it a host of emotions including anger, fear,resentment and confusion. If a mediator is unable or unwilling to deal with these emotions andgain the client’s trust, it is unlikely that a mediation will be successful. I am confident that byworking together we can achieve a fair resolution in a timely and cost effective manner.Please contact me at [email protected] or my direct line 519-756-3350 ext. 235.Alternatively, you can email my assistant Karen at [email protected] to schedule amediation or make enquiries. Please feel free to forward this email to any other lawyers orparalegals in your firm who might be interested in utilizing my mediation services.I look forward to working with you and your clients.
Contact: Paul Oddi